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HomeNewsWhat is hCG Urine Test? How to Take a hCG Pregnancy Test?

What is hCG Urine Test? How to Take a hCG Pregnancy Test?


What is a strip test for pregnancy? Of course, an One Step Hcg Pregnancy Test can help you a lot. It has a high accuracy of your pregnant state, which can approach 95.5%. It's necessary for all couples to know about hCG, it's a care for yourself and for your lover. Do you know how to use hcg urine strip test? and how do hCG test strips work? and if there's an occasion the test shows hCG positive but not pregnant? Follow this article, and I will guide you to know everything.

What is hCG Urine Test?

Before we know how to take an hCG pregnancy test, let's have a clear knowledge of what is an hcg urine test. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) urine test, commonly referred to as a pregnancy test, serves as a diagnostic tool evaluating the levels of the hCG hormone in either urine or blood samples. This test plays a primary role in confirming and monitoring pregnancy by detecting hCG, a hormone typically found in pregnant individuals. Produced by the placenta following the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, hCG levels tend to double approximately every 2 to 3 days during pregnancy.

How to Take a hCG Pregnancy Test


Home pregnancy test kits, widely available in supermarkets and pharmacies, analyze urine samples for hCG, detecting its presence around the time of the first missed period. Conversely, the hCG blood test, accessible through a doctor's referral, can identify pregnancy earlier, typically about a week after conception, offering a more precise confirmation.

What is hCG in Pregnancy?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), commonly referred to as the pregnancy hormone, originates from cells created in the placenta. This hormone supports the nourishment of the fertilized egg upon its attachment to the uterine wall. It can be identified through a blood test around 11 days after conception and via a urine test approximately 12-14 days after conception.


Ordinarily, hCG levels tend to double every 72 hours. These levels will peak during the initial 8-11 weeks of pregnancy before gradually decreasing and stabilizing for the duration of the pregnancy.

What are Normal hCG Levels?

Normal hCG levels serve as a general guideline, but individual variations exist. Healthcare providers monitor these levels and interpret test results in the context of each unique pregnancy. It's important to note that healthy pregnancies might exhibit lower-than-average hCG levels.


Weeks since the last menstrual period hCG levels (mIU/mL)
3 5 - 50
4 5 - 426
5 18 - 7,340
6 1,080 - 56,500
7 to 8 7,650 - 229,000
9 to 12 25,700 - 288,000
13 to 16 13,300 - 254,000
17 to 24 4,060 - 165,400
24 to 40 3,640 - 117,000

What Does hCG in Urine Look Like?

The test's outcome is visually evaluated based on the presence of dark blue, indicating the presence of hCG. Detecting a minimum of 500 mU of hCG/ml in urine is easily achievable, with the test yielding accurate results within 2 hours. Negative results are reliably obtained from urine samples of typically ovulating women, postmenopausal women, and adult males. This suggests that normal concentrations of luteinizing hormone do not impact the test's outcomes.


What Does hCG in Urine Look Like

In samples collected for pregnancy detection, the test showed 95.5% accuracy compared to clinical or histopathologic findings. There were only 2 false-negative results observed, with false-positive outcomes recorded in merely 4 out of 132 subjects examined. When performed correctly, this test serves as a valuable tool for detecting hCG as early as 30 to 35 days from the last menstrual period.

How Do hCG Test Strips Work?

When conducting a pregnancy test, it aims to detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your body, which can be found in both urine and blood. HCG production increases gradually during the early stages of pregnancy. Consequently, as the weeks progress, the concentration of HCG in your body rises, increasing the likelihood of a positive pregnancy test. Therefore, if the test is taken too early, it might yield a negative result.


These tests operate by responding to the level of HCG present in either urine or blood. In a urine test, a reactive paper detects the HCG, displaying various indicators such as a plus sign, double vertical lines, or the term "pregnant." Different tests may exhibit positive results in distinctive ways, so it's essential to follow the instructions provided with the test to interpret a positive result accurately. Most tests include a control window, indicating the test is functioning properly when a symbol appears within it. It's important to note that different test brands may require varying durations to display results.


In the case of a blood test, your healthcare provider collects a blood sample for analysis at a laboratory, which measures the HCG concentration. Your provider will later communicate your results to you. That's how do hcg test strips work.

What hCG Level Can a Urine Test Detect?

Urine hCG testing is qualitative, reporting a positive or negative result. It detects hCG levels typically starting at 20 to 50 (reportedly as low as 6.3 to 12.5)[19] mIU/mL, corresponding to levels at approximately 4 weeks post-conception.

How to Use hCG Urine Strip Test?

How to use hcg one step pregnancy test? Open the sealed pouch and remove the strip.

1. Open the sealed pouch and take out the strip.
2. Position the test strip vertically in the urine sample, ensuring the arrows point downward. Make sure the urine does not surpass the maximum level line (marked by arrows) on the test strip.
3. Let the strip stay in the urine for a minimum of 8 seconds (preferably 10 seconds).
4. Remove the pregnancy test and set it on a dry, flat surface.
5. Wait for colored bands to develop. Depending on the HCG concentration, results may appear in as little as 40 seconds. However, the complete reaction time of 5 minutes is necessary to confirm a negative result.
Dispose of the test after use. Place the used test in a designated container and consider it potentially infectious if possible.

hCG Positive But Not Pregnant?


A false-positive result on a test occurs when hCG is present in your system due to reasons other than pregnancy, such as recent pregnancy, intake of fertility medications containing hCG, or certain medical conditions like specific rare ovarian cysts. Experiencing a true false positive – indicating you were never pregnant initially – is exceedingly uncommon. Pregnancy tests identify the hCG hormone in your body, a marker exclusive to pregnancy. Hence, a positive pregnancy test result strongly indicates pregnancy in nearly all cases.


We have understood "what is hCG urine test?", its function, accuracy, and "how to use hcg urine strip test?" are vital aspects for individuals seeking to confirm or monitor pregnancy, and some relative knowledge like "what is hcg in pregnancy?" and "what does hcg in urine look like?". While false-positive results are uncommon, they can occur due to specific circumstances unrelated to pregnancy, highlighting the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for further evaluation when necessary. All in all, it's better to choose a reliable test kit supplier for a real authentic pregnancy test result, AICHEK is a great test kit manufacturer that has been dedicated to test kit manufacturing for over a decade, focus on quality and health.

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