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How Do You Get Typhoid Fever?

Typhoid fever, caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi, is a severe and life-threatening illness that can be contracted through various means. However, it can be detected and treated.

Are you afraid that you have a Typhoid fever or just a cold? It’s time to know how do you get typhoid fever. Typhoid fever, also known as enteric fever, is something we need to keep a lookout for. That’s because it’s a severe and life-threatening illness. The “criminal” responsible for this condition is the bacterium called Salmonella Typhi. Developed countries will see rare cases of typhoid fever because sanitation and clean water are their top concerns. Yet, there are studies show that the bacterium is more prevalent in regions like Africa and South Asia. But, how do we get typhoid? Why the situations in different are so different?


Well, in contaminated food or water, typhoid fever will be transmitted fast. Once the bacteria, Salmonella Typhi, enter the body, they will multiply and can cause symptoms like high fever and diarrhea. And here’s the thing: you can still spread typhoid to others even if you don’t feel sick. Sounds intimidating right?


Fortunately, typhoid fever can be detected by test and treated with antibiotics. 


So today, we’ll tell you how do you catch typhoid fever and how to prevent typhoid fever.


Reasons of Typhoid Fever Get You

So how can you get typhoid? Here are some possible causes that need your caution.

1. Contaminated Food and Water: Typhoid fever could spread through food or water contaminated. Imagine if someone with typhoid touches something you eat or drink without washing their hands first. Sometimes, those sneaky bacteria will find their way into your body. And before you know it, you’re feeling under the weather.


2. Poor Hand Hygiene: If someone with typhoid doesn’t wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, they can leave those pesky bacteria behind on everyday things like phones or doorknobs. And the next person who touches these things can pick up the bacteria and get infected.


3. Bacteria from Restroom: The Salmonella Typhi bacteria also can hang out in the poop of infected folks. If those people don’t wash their hands properly after using the toilet, they can transfer those bacteria to food they touch. Also, if that food happens to be contaminated, there’s a chance other people could come down with typhoid.


4. Contaminated Water Supply: There could be places where sanitation isn’t well-maintained, and human waste can sometimes mix with the water. So, if you happen to drink or use water that’s been tainted like this, you’re putting yourself in a risky situation typhoid could become a concern.


5. Other Tricky Ways: You can also contract typhoid through:

  • Using a toilet contaminated with bacteria and then touching your mouth before washing your hands.
  • Eating seafood from water that's contaminated by infected poop or pee.
  • Munching on raw veggies that were fertilized with human waste.
  • Consuming contaminated milk products.
  • Having intimate contact with someone who carries the Salmonella Typhi bacteria, which can be a bit rare but still possible.


Symptoms of Typhoid Fever: 


In case of emergency, knowing how do you get typhoid is not enough, you also need to know the symptoms after catching it.

1. High Fever: Typhoid fever begins with a prolonged and really high fever. It's like your body's way of warning you that something's not right.

2. Headache: You might get a pounding headache that just won't quit. Ouch!

3. Stomach Pain: Typhoid can make your tummy hurt quite a bit. It can feel like cramps or general discomfort.

4. Tummy Troubles: When typhoid comes knocking, your digestive system might start acting a bit wonky. For instance, you could find yourself dealing with either constipation which is hard to go, or diarrhea which feels like you can’t stop.

5. Feeling Tired: Typhoid fever can also sap your vitality. It can make you feel incredibly tired and downright fatigued.

6. Nausea: It has a way of making your stomach turn and might even lead to a not-so-pleasant round of vomiting.

7. Rash (in some cases): In some cases, it throws a curveball with a rash appearing on your skin.

You need to know that these symptoms can catch you by surprise. They will not appear immediately but emerge around 1 to 3 weeks after you’ve been exposed to the bacteria. So, it can catch you off guard like a delayed reaction. And it’s really necessary to use a typhoid test kid kit if you’re feeling comfortable. And here’s the good news: after doing the test, if you see a doctor and they prescribe antibiotics, you'll likely start feeling better within a week. Without treatment, there’s a small chance that typhoid fever can become really serious or even life-threatening.


How to Use Typhoid Test Kit?



So how does a typhoid test kit work? And how to use a typhoid test kit? Check the following steps:

1. Prepare the Kit: First things first, let the test kit pouch sit at room temperature. Then, take out the test cassette from the sealed pouch. It's best to use it within an hour for accurate results.


2. Get Set Up: Find a clean, flat surface. Now, here’s the important part – hold the dropper straight and add one drop of serum or plasma (that’s just 40μl) into a special slot on the test cassette. After that, add another drop of buffer (also 40μl). Make sure there are no pesky air bubbles in the slot. Take a look at the picture for guidance.


3. Time It: Start your timer and wait for about 15 minutes. That’s when the magic happens!


4. Check the Results: After 15 minutes, it’s time to see what the test says. Don’t wait too long after this because the results might not be as accurate.


How to Prevent Typhoid Fever:


Typhoid fever tends to rear its head more often in places where sanitation is lacking, and clean, safe water is a rarity. That’s why keeping things clean and safe is incredibly important! Here are three simple tips to help you steer clear of typhoid fever:

1. Vaccination is Key: Getting vaccinated can be your best defense against typhoid fever if you’re gearing up for a trip. Also, consult your doctor or a travel clinic at least a month before your journey to check if the vaccine is recommended for your destination is a good idea.

2. Mind What Goes In: While typhoid vaccines can provide some protection (though not 100%), it's vital to be mindful of what you eat and drink to further reduce your risk of falling ill. Here's how:


Choose Carefully: Eat foods that are cooked and served hot. Avoid anything that's been sitting out on a buffet.


Prep Your Produce: If you're going for raw fruits and veggies, make sure you've washed them in clean water or peeled them yourself.


Safe Sips: Only drink beverages from sealed containers, and skip the ice if you're unsure about the water source.


Milk Matters: Go for pasteurized milk to be on the safe side.


3. Wash Those Hands: Good hygiene goes a long way in preventing typhoid fever:


Soapy Solution: Wash your hands often with soap and water for a solid 20 seconds. Do this especially after using the bathroom and before chowing down.


Sanitizer to the Rescue: Sometimes, you won’t find soap and water nearby. So you can reach for an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content in those situations.


Please Keep Your Hands Off: Refraining from touching your face and mouth is a good practice. It can prevent the spread of germs and keep you healthier.

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